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Research Research

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Taisetsuzan Institute of Science

The Taisetsuzan Institute of Science, as a base to regional research of the Taisetsuzan region, was established for the university faculty, staff, and students to obtain educational training and investigative research of the nature.

The Institute is located at the hot-spring village of Asahidake-Onsen, on the foot of Mount Asahidake (ELEV 2,290 m) of the nation’s largest national park, the Taisetsuzan National Park notable for Natural Park surrounded by magnificent nature. ?The facility is available throughout a year. ?Alpine plants which are distributed in mountains 3,000 meters above sea level in Honshu Island such as Ezo-kozakura (Primula cuneifolia var. cuneifolia), Kibana-shakunage (Rhododendron aureum), Iwaume (Diapensia lapponica ssp. obovata), and Ezono-tsugazakura (Phyllodoce caerulea)?grows in the areas ranging from the Sugataminoike Pond to the Susoaidaira. ?Boreal Coniferous Forests consist of conifers such as Todo-matsu (Abies sachalinensis), Ezo-matsu (Picea jezoensis), and Aka Ezo-matsu (Picea glehnii) along with broad-leaved trees as Dakekanba (Betula ermanii) are distributed in the area below 1,500 meters above sea level. ? The primitive nature environment is reservoir of wildlife and houses Ezo-sika/Hokkaido sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis), Kita-kitsune/Ezo red fox (Vulpes vulpes schrencki), Higuma/Brown bear (Ursus arctos), Naki-usagi/Pika (Ochotona hyperborea yesoensis) , birds, and insects. ?It is also a great environment for mountain climbing in summer and skiing in winter.

The use of the facility is open to public as long as there is no interference with projects of the University.

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